Lãi suất ngân hàng BIDV

This bash command reads the contents of a file named "config.yaml" using the `cat` command and then pipes (|) the output to `awk NF`. 

Here's what each part does:

1. `cat config.yaml`: This command outputs the contents of the file named "config.yaml" to the standard output.

2. `|`: This is the pipe operator, which takes the output of the command on its left side (in this case, the output of `cat config.yaml`) and uses it as the input for the command on its right side (`awk NF`).

3. `awk NF`: `awk` is a text processing tool that is very powerful for handling structured data. `NF` in `awk` represents the number of fields in the current record (line). When used alone like this (`awk NF`), `awk` implicitly prints each line that has at least one field (non-empty lines), effectively filtering out empty lines. So, in this context, the `awk NF` command will remove any empty lines from the output of `cat config.yaml`.

Therefore, the overall effect of this command is to display the contents of "config.yaml" file without any empty lines.

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